The fourth in INTRAC’s series of discussion and learning themes is decolonising consultancy. Beginning in September 2023, INTRAC has opened a series of blogs and organised an online event to address this important topic. Decolonisation has been one of the watchwords for civil society in recent years – and this series explores what it means in the context of the commissioning and practice of consultancy. It is organised around a number of key questions: what does decolonising consultancy mean in practice? What needs to change and how can this happen? What roles do different actors need to play – be they consultancies in the global South, international consultancies, or donors?

An ongoing series of blogs is examining these questions from a number of different perspectives:

On 21 September, 2023, INTRAC organised the fourth in our series of webinars which began in 2022. Titled “decolonising consultancy”, it brought together five varied and knowledgeable speakers – all of them experienced civil society practitioners. Each of them spoke about their understanding of what it means to decolonise consultancy, and then took part in a Q&A. Over 220 participants from around the world joined in the discussion. The full event recording is below, and a concise written event summary is also available.

In addition to the full event recording, short videos are available with the complete short talks by each speaker:

  • Nancy Kankam Kusi (WACSI): the decolonising advisory platform [Video]
  • Rob Lloyd (Itad): what decolonising consultancy means to Itad [Video]
  • Elena Gillis (Adeso): the Adeso approach to decolonising consultancy [Video]
  • Alaa Shaheen (Beit Al Karma): a perspective from the MENA region [Video]
  • Sam Valéry (Comic Relief): the role of Comic Relief in decolonising consultancy [Video]

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