Mzumbe_University_LogoResearchers at the University of Mzumbe in Tanzania have received funding from the UK’s Economic and Research Council and the Department for International Development to explore how citizens can meaningfully hold local government to account. The research project ran from 2014-2017.

INTRAC and the Foundation for Civil Society in Tanzania are civil society partners in this research project. ODI and the Chronic Poverty Advisory Networks have subsequently been affiliated.

The research seeks to understand whether the creation of a local governance performance index could stimulate greater public engagement in holding local leaders and institutions to account for their performance in delivering services and reducing poverty. Through in-depth research at the district level in Tanzania, the research is exploring the viability and value of creating such an index.

Alongside academic experts, INTRAC is playing an advisory role in the project, ensuring that the research in Tanzania draws on and feeds into the work of international donors and NGOs working on governance, accountability and transparency. INTRAC is further assisting with outputs from the research, helping to reach a wide audience across policy, practice and research.
