Alastair joined INTRAC in November 2020. He holds an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge and a joint honours in Spanish and International Relations from Aberdeen University. His thesis (2015) was an impact assessment of a 2013 Progressio-ICS programme he had volunteered on in El Salvador. This piece of work was Alastair’s first foray into the world of M&E in international development and introduced him to data gathering techniques, ethical and practical debates on MEAL.

Following this introduction to M&E Alastair then experienced the other end of the spectrum via a six month internship at the World Health Organisation headquarters in Geneva. Alastair worked in the WHO Evaluation Office, contributing to internal evaluations and coordinating a large external evaluation of the WHO’s strategy and efficiency conducted by the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN).

Before joining INTRAC, Alastair coordinated the Community Apprentice programme for the UK charity Envision. This programme supports youth from some of London’s most disadvantaged areas to develop confidence and employability skills through social action and professional mentorship.

Alastair has provided project consultancy, coordination and data analysis on a number of programmes in his time so far with INTRAC, including The Development Alternative and six reviews for the Independent Commission for Aid Impact. He led on the development of a M&E framework for Marta Centrs and helped develop INTRAC’s Theory of Change. In his research capacity he undertakes in-house research on INTRAC’s strategic themes and provides support to colleagues applying a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

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Citizen engagement work on Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) reviews

Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA) programme

The Development Alternative

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