INTRAC is looking to recruit a new trustee to join our board in the role of Treasurer, to support the organisation as we start working with our new strategy, “locally rooted, globally connected”. 

This is an exciting time for INTRAC as we build on over thirty years of experience of strengthening civil society organisations, helping them to develop, engage with others, and do what they want to do, better.  At the heart of our new strategy is the intention to catalyse and weave a network of ethical and values-based practitioners working to support civil society organisations, and for INTRAC to become network-led.  This will shift who we are, what we work on and how we work.  We want to work with others to transform and strengthen the eco-system of civil society support, drawing on our long experience regarding how best to support civil society, and extending this knowledge through working with value-aligned actors in different contexts.

We are seeking an individual who is excited about our new strategy, believes in our organisational values; and shares our thinking that civil society support is important and best offered by those who deeply understand the context in which they are working, but are also part of a global network to enhance access to learning, support, analysis and collective action.   At this time, we are recruiting for one role: a treasurer with experience in charity finance, audit and risk management. 

We especially welcome applications from individuals who are located in different civil society contexts, who can bring perspectives and experiences from the majority world and contribute to the diversity of thinking, practice and experience at board level, and help to ensure that we really are locally rooted and globally connected in our own governance and development.

How to apply

To apply, please send a CV and covering letter by email to Peter Allen ( explaining why you would like to join our board of trustees, and how you would be able to contribute. Please include your contact details. Please note that the only role for which we are currently seeking applicants is that of Treasurer.

Please note also that the deadline for applications is 31 July 2024.

If you would welcome a conversation with a member of our senior management team or a current trustee to assist in considering this opportunity, please do contact Peter Allen ( who will arrange for them to contact you.

