On 26 June 2024, INTRAC launchedLocally rooted, globally connected: our strategic framework for 2024-2028.

This landmark document is the product of an in-depth participatory process which was contributed to by our staff, network members, and partners. It restates INTRAC’s founding principles and values, and sets out our vision for 2028:

Civil society actors, organisations and movements across the world can develop, engage with others and do what they want to do, better: supported to deliver just, equitable and sustainable societies for all.

More information about the new framework is available on its resource page. There, two versions are ready to download: a full 15-page version and a condensed, three-page “quick read”.

Over 100 civil society practitioners joined INTRAC for our online launch event. We were guided through the agenda by Ashley Green-Thompson, who has recently joined our Board of Trustees. Based in South Africa, Ashley is Director of ACT Ubanbano.

The event focused on the challenges facing civil society, what the ecosystem of support for civil society should look like, and the roles for different actors within it. Five knowledgeable speakers shared their perspectives on this theme:

  • Kate Newman (Chief Executive, INTRAC) introduced the strategic framework, with an emphasis on what is meant by a strong ecosystem of support for civil society and INTRAC’s role within it
  • Mary Ann Clements (Co-Chief Executive and Transformation Officer, ADD International) discussed the need for international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) to transform themselves
  • Everjoice Win (leader, activist, writer) reflected on the present moment and what it means for Southern civil society organisations, and the need to #StepIntoOurPower
  • Clara Bosco (Senior Advisor on Civil Society Resourcing, CIVICUS) described the need for ecosystems of solidarity, a fortification of the civil society support infrastructure, and reformed funding mechanisms
  • Isabela Souza (consultant, academic, and INTRAC network member) warned about the dangers of information overload, examples of good ecosystem practice, and the need to abandon colonial mentalities.

