The Development Alternative is a programme focused on exploring and testing approaches to development that are truly led by young people and communities, and supported by youth-led civil society. It is funded by the UK Department for International Development and implemented by a consortium of six partners, led by Restless Development.

We are now developing a strategic approach to supporting youth-focused and youth-led civil society organisations (CSOs).

To inform this approach, INTRAC and Recrear International are looking to identify success stories and positive examples of partnerships with youth-led organisations and groups from funders and partners in relation to:

  • The evidence base for youth-led change
    This is evidence that shows the impact of change initiatives led by youth-led organisations and groups.
  • Youth CSO funding and resource patterns
    This is evidence that shows funding strategies from partners and donors which are effective in meeting youth-led groups and organisations’ needs, creating a stronger enabling environment for youth-led civil society.

We welcome stories from donors and organisations that support and partner with youth organisations (this could include governmental institutions, trusts, foundations, international NGOs) all over the world and in particular from those funding or supporting youth civil society organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa.

Do you have experiences and/or documentation (such as annual reports, evaluations and studies) to support the above? If so, there are two options:

Online survey
Fill in the survey to share your story and/or any documentation (this will take approximately 10 minutes to complete)

Short phone/Skype interview
Contact Fia Wegner, Director of Strategy and Learning at Recrear International with your availability.

The deadline to fill in the survey is 27 January 2020. 

The information you provide will be used by The Development Alternative to inform the design of a package of support offered to youth civil society organisations, and (with permission) might also be spotlighted in our report on the State of Youth Civil Society.

We are excited to hear from you!

Please also feel free to circulate this call for evidence with relevant funders and partners of youth-led civil society. If you are a youth-focused or youth-led organisation, check our call for success stories from youth-led civil society.

Extra information
Read more about the Development Alternative and our first report on Youth Civil Society.

