Do you have a story to share?

The Development Alternative is a programme focused on finding out new and different ways to do development that are truly led by young people and communities. It is funded by the UK Department for International Development and implemented by a consortium of six partners, led by Restless Development.

We are now developing a strategic approach to supporting youth-led and youth-focused civil society organisations (CSOs).

To inform this approach, INTRAC and Recrear International are interested to hear from organisations around the world that are youth-led (young people lead the organisation’s work) or youth-focused (the organisation works with and for young people).

We are looking for youth-led and youth-focused organisations to share success stories and positive examples in relation to:

  • The evidence base for youth-led change
    This is evidence that shows how being youth-led strengthens your impact as a group/organisation/movement. For example evidence that answers this question: what is the change your youth-led organisation is creating in your community?
  • Youth CSO funding and resource patterns
    This is evidence of funding strategies and support from partners/donors that have met your organisations’ needs. For example evidence that answers this question: have you had a partnership with a donor that has been particularly helpful in supporting your work?
  • Alternative Strategies to Delivery
    This is evidence that shows creative, innovative and different strategies that you are using to deliver your work. For example evidence that answers this question: in what ways are you able to fund and deliver your work other than through donors’ support?
  • Mobilisation, Collaboration and Connection
    This is evidence that shows where you have been able to connect and collaborate well with other institutions or groups (these can be local, national and global collaborations) enabling youth-led change. For example evidence that answers this question: Have you had a partnership with another organisation or network (whether youth-led and non youth-led) that has allowed you to strengthen your work, reach more people or learn a new approach?

How to share your experience

There are two options:

If your organisation has documentation (such as annual reports, evaluations and studies) to support the above, please send them to Fia Wegner by 27 January 2020.

Send in your documents →

Alternatively, you can answer one or more questions under the areas above in written form by emailing Fia Wegner with a short paragraph on your experience. We will get in touch with you if we need more information.

Email Fia Wegner →

The information you provide will be used by The Development Alternative to inform the design of a package of support offered to youth civil society organisations, and (with permission) might also be spotlighted in a report on the State of Youth Civil Society.

We are excited to hear from you!

Please also feel free to circulate this call with relevant organisations that are youth-led or youth-focused. If you are a donor or partner with youth civil society, check our call for success stories from funders and partners.

Extra information
Read more about the Development Alternative and our first report on Youth Civil Society.

